New Vehicle Data Webservice.
The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
Returns Technical Data for multiple vehicles at a time. Enter a comma delimited list of CAP ID's in CAPIDList, and a comma delimited list of spec dates for each of the CAP ID's in the format yyyy/mm/dd. In TechDataList enter a comma delimited list of technical fields to return out of the following options: 0TO62, CC, CO, CO2, MPG_COMBINED, MPG_URBAN, MPG_EXTRAURBAN, ENGINEPOWER_BHP, ENGINEPOWER_PS, ENGINEPOWER_KW, ENGINEPOWER_RPM, FUELDELIVERY, FUELTANKCAPACITY, GROSSVEHICLEWEIGHT, HC, HC+NOX, HEIGHT, INSURANCEGROUP1, INSURANCEGROUP2, INSURANCEGROUP1-50 (Car only), LENGTH, LUGGAGECAPACITYSEATSDOWN, LUGGAGECAPACITYSEATSUP, NCAPADULTOCCUPANT, NCAPCHILDOCCUPANT, NCAPOVERALLRATING, NCAPPEDESTRIAN, NCAPSAFETYASSIST, SEATS, NOX, STANDARDEMISSIONS, STANDARDMANWARRANTY_MILEAGE, STANDARDMANWARRANTY_YEARS, TOPSPEED, WIDTH. Set ReturnVehicleDescription to true to also return the vehicle description, ReturnCAPcodeTechnicalItems for the CAPcode Technical Items (Fuel Type, Transmission, and number of Doors), and ReturnCostNew for the cost new Basic and VAT of each vehicle. Note: There is a limit of 8000 characters for the CAPIDList and SpecDateList. -
For a given CAP ID and Date, returns the following datasets: Vehicle description + price, options, relationship items, and pack contents. To return the current data, set JustCurrent to true and enter any date for OptionDate. Set DescriptionRS, OptionsRS, RelationshipsRS, PackRS, TechnicalRS flags to true/false to control which datasets are returned. A ValidDateRange dataset is also returned to indicate the date period this data is valid from and to (This should NOT be used if JustCurrent is set to TRUE). -
For a given CAP ID and Date, returns the ID's colour/hood links. To return the current data, set JustCurrent to true and enter any date for CHDate. -
For a given CAP ID and Date, returns the ID's colour/trim links. To return the current data, set JustCurrent to true and enter any date for CTDate. -
Returns the option codes linked to each of the generic item. -
Returns a list of Generic Options and Generic Categories. - GetHostAddress
Returns a grid of change dates for a given CAP ID. The grid has the following columns: Model Year, Price, Options, SE, and Technical. -
Returns the CO2, CC, Euro Emissions, FuelType, and P11D percentages for 3 given years for an ID. -
For a given CAP ID and Date, returns the ID's Standard Equipemtn. To return the current data, set JustCurrent to true and enter any date for SEDate. -
For a given CAP ID and Date, returns the ID's Technical Data items. To return the current data, set JustCurrent to true and enter any date for TechDate.